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Adrian Mathews - 503-353-8968 -  Company Site

CELLUVATION Gel #1 Body (4 oz 114 grams)

celluvation body gel

Gel No 1 Body has the frequency of CBD

The frequency of CBD has been found to activate the endocannabinoid system in the body.
The endocannabinoid deals with the immune response, digestion and assimilation of nutrients and storage of those nutrients in the body. It activates CB1 and CB2 receptors which are located throughout the brain and entire body.
The endocannabinoid system influences mood and energy.

Directions: Apply to skin as needed. For external cosmetic skin use only.

Ingredients: 20 ppm silver solution (deionized water, silver), triethanolamine and carbomer. BPA Free

A few Testimonies

Gel No 1 & Youth Crystals

“I used an expensive CBD oil that cost $160 for one ounce. When I applied the CBD Oil it took the pain away from my carpal tunnel for about 5 hours. When I applied the Celluvation Body Gel No 1, it took the pain away for 24 hours.” - Kari R (Registered Nurse) in San Diego, California

Gel No 1 Body

“My partner, a 64-year-old woman, found out that Body Gel perfectly normalizes blood pressure. She also learned about the spot on the body as to where you need to apply this product. This is the upper back just below the neck. The so-called "widow's hump", which sometimes appears after the age of 40. Her bedtime pressure was 170/95, she applied CELLUVATION Body GEL # 1 on this spot and went to sleep. In the morning her blood pressure was 125/75. She is very pleased.” - Irina Sh. Boston, USA

Gel No 1 Body

“I decided to try to apply CELLUVATION Body GEL No. 1 on the back of the base of neck on the body of my spouse, 78 years old (stroke, leukemia). Right after sleep, his usual pressure is 160/85. During the day, his performance improves now. For the night I apply CELLUVATION Body GEL No. 1 on my back right under the neck. Waited until absorbed. In the morning his blood pressure was -130/70. I am very happy for him.”
- Tatyana K., Rotonda West, USA

Gel No 1 Body & Gel No 3 Orno

“I apply CELLUVATION Body GEL #1 and Gel #3 Orno (to increase stem cell activity), on the lumbar area every evening. Before I started applying the gels every morning, I could not get out of bed right away. I had to sit for about 30 minutes, swing, do exercises on the spine, on the joints of the legs and arms before I could get up and go. After a week of using the gels, I rise right away I wake up, go and begin to do ordinary things, as it happened when I was young.” - Irina Sh. Boston, USA

GEL No 1 Body & GEL 3 Orno

“Male 65 years old. Old shoulder injury. Pain level 7-8 intensity for 20 years. Very limited amplitude of arm rotation in the shoulder bag. Within 2 weeks, 2 times a day I applied GELS to the pain area. The pain intensifies first, indicating the effect of the gel. I apply GEL No 3 to the same area right away. The pain turns into a slight burning sensation. As a result of the two weeks treatment with both gels, the overall intensity of the pain decreased from 7-8 to 3-4. The amplitude of my hand rotation increased by 80%. Very pleased with the result. Continuing treatment.” - Eugene S. Nikopol, Ukraine

GEL No 1 Body

"Patent - bitten by tick. Large red swelling after 2 days Presented - given gel to apply immediately.

Then before bed. Next morning redness down by 80%, Applied more gel next morning Redness gone"

Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Celluvation is not responsible for any of these testimonies.
These testimonies are not the opinion of Celluvation, but peoples personal experiences. 

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